
How Many Countries Don't Use The Metric System

Numerical symbol

Both a comma and a period (or total-stop) are generally accepted decimal separators for international apply.

Three ways to group the number ten thousand with digit grouping separators.
1) Space, the internationally recommended thousands separator.
2) Catamenia (or total finish), the thousands separator used in many non-English speaking countries.
iii) Comma, the thousands separator used in most English-speaking countries.

A decimal separator is a symbol used to split up the integer part from the partial role of a number written in decimal course (east.g., "." in 12.45). Dissimilar countries officially designate different symbols for employ as the separator. The pick of symbol also affects the choice of symbol for the thousands separator used in digit grouping.

Any such symbol tin be called a decimal mark, decimal marker, or decimal sign. Symbol-specific names are also used; decimal betoken and decimal comma refer to an (either baseline or middle) dot and comma respectively, when information technology is used equally a decimal separator; these are the usual terms used in English language,[ane] [2] [3] with the aforementioned generic terms reserved for abstruse usage.[4] [5]

In many contexts, when a number is spoken, the function of the separator is assumed by the spoken name of the symbol: comma or point in nearly cases.[6] [2] [7] In some specialized contexts, the word decimal is instead used for this purpose (such equally in International Civil Aviation Organization-regulated air traffic control communications). In mathematics, the decimal separator is a type of radix indicate, a term that also applies to number systems with bases other than ten.

History [edit]

In the Middle Ages, from the original Indian decimal writing,[ citation needed ] before printing, a bar ( ¯ ) over the units digit was used to separate the integral function of a number from its fractional function, as in 9995 (meaning 99.95 in decimal point format). A similar notation remains in common use as an underbar to superscript digits, especially for budgetary values without a decimal separator, every bit in 99 95 . Afterwards, a "separatrix" (i.e., a brusque, roughly vertical ink stroke) between the units and tenths position became the norm amid Arab mathematicians (e.g. 99ˌ95), while an L-shaped or vertical bar (|) served as the separatrix in England.[8] When this character was typeset, information technology was user-friendly to utilise the existing comma (99,95) or total stop (99.95) instead.

Positional decimal fractions appear for the get-go time in a book past the Arab mathematician Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi written in the 10th century.[nine] The practice is ultimately derived from the decimal Hindu–Arabic numeral organisation used in Indian mathematics,[10] and popularized by the Farsi mathematician Al-Khwarizmi,[11] when Latin translation of his work on the Indian numerals introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western globe. His Compendious Book on Calculation past Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations in Standard arabic.

Gerbert of Aurillac marked triples of columns with an arc (called a "Pythagorean arc"), when using his Hindu–Arabic numeral-based abacus in the 10th century. Fibonacci followed this convention when writing numbers, such as in his influential piece of work Liber Abaci in the 13th century.[12] Tables of logarithms prepared past John Napier in 1614 and 1619 used the catamenia (total stop) equally the decimal separator, which was then adopted by Henry Briggs in his influential 17th century piece of work.

In France, the total stop was already in utilise in printing to make Roman numerals more readable, so the comma was chosen.[xiii] Many other countries, such equally Italy, too chose to use the comma to mark the decimal units position.[13] It has been fabricated standard past the ISO for international blueprints.[14] However, English language-speaking countries took the comma to separate sequences of three digits. In some countries, a raised dot or dash ( upper comma ) may be used for grouping or decimal separator; this is especially common in handwriting.

In the United States, the full end or menstruum (.) was used as the standard decimal separator.

The interpunct (·) used as a decimal separator in a British print from 1839[15]

In the nations of the British Empire (and, later, the Commonwealth of Nations), the total stop could be used in typewritten material and its employ was not banned, although the interpunct (a.m.a. decimal bespeak, signal or mid dot) was preferred as a decimal separator, in printing technologies that could accommodate it, e.g. 99·95.[16] However, as the mid dot was already in common employ in the mathematics world to indicate multiplication, the SI rejected its utilise every bit the decimal separator.

During the get-go of British metrication in the late 1960s and with impending currency decimalisation, there was some argue in the United kingdom as to whether the decimal comma or decimal point should exist preferred: the British Standards Institution and some sectors of industry advocated the comma and the Decimal Currency Board advocated for the betoken. In the result, the betoken was chosen by the Ministry of Technology in 1968.[17]

When Southward Africa adopted the metric system, it adopted the comma as its decimal separator,[18] although a number of house styles, including some English-language newspapers such as The Dominicus Times, keep to apply the full stop.[ citation needed ]

The 3 most spoken international auxiliary languages, Ido, Esperanto, and Interlingua, all use the comma as the decimal separator. Interlingua has used the comma as its decimal separator since the publication of the Interlingua Grammar in 1951.[19] Esperanto besides uses the comma as its official decimal separator, while thousands are separated past not-breaking spaces: 12 345 678,nine . Ido's Kompleta Gramatiko Detaloza di la Linguo Internaciona Ido (Complete Detailed Grammar of the International Language Ido) officially states that commas are used for the decimal separator while full stops are used to separate thousands, millions, etc. So the number 12,345,678.90123 (in American notation) for instance, would be written 12.345.678,90123 in Ido. The 1931 grammar of Volapük by Arie de Jong uses the comma as its decimal separator, and—somewhat unusually—uses the middle dot every bit the thousands separator (12·345·678,90123).[20]

In 1958, disputes between European and American delegates over the correct representation of the decimal separator near stalled the evolution of the ALGOL computer programming language.[21] ALGOL ended up allowing different decimal separators, merely most calculator languages and standard data formats (east.g., C, Coffee, Fortran, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)) specify a dot.

California milepost marker at mile 144.44

Previously, signs along California roads expressed distances in decimal numbers with the decimal part in superscript, as in 3 vii , meaning[22] Though California has since transitioned to mixed numbers with common fractions, the older style remains on postmile markers and span inventory markers.

Radix indicate [edit]

In mathematics and calculating, a radix point or radix graphic symbol is a symbol used in the brandish of numbers to divide the integer office of the value from its fractional function. In English language and many other languages (including many that are written right-to-left), the integer function is at the left of the radix point, and the fraction role at the right of it.[23]

A radix point is most often used in decimal (base 10) notation, when information technology is more commonly called the decimal indicate (the prefix deci- implying base of operations 10). In English-speaking countries, the decimal point is usually a small dot (.) placed either on the baseline or halfway betwixt the baseline and the summit of the digits[24] In many other countries, the radix indicate is a comma (,) placed on the baseline.[24] These conventions are generally used both in machine displays (printing, estimator monitors) and in handwriting. It is important to know which annotation is being used when working in different software programs. The respective ISO standard defines both the comma and the small dot as decimal markers, only does not explicitly ascertain universal radix marks for bases other than x.

Fractional numbers are rarely displayed in other number bases, but, when they are, a radix character may be used for the same purpose. When used with the binary (base ii) representation, it may be called "binary point".

Current standards [edit]

The 22nd Full general Briefing on Weights and Measures declared in 2003 that "the symbol for the decimal mark shall be either the bespeak on the line or the comma on the line". It farther reaffirmed that "numbers may be divided in groups of three in order to facilitate reading; neither dots nor commas are always inserted in the spaces between groups"[25] (east.g. 1000 000 000 ). This usage has therefore been recommended by technical organizations, such as the Usa' National Institute of Standards and Engineering.[26]

By versions of ISO 8601, simply non the 2019 revision, also stipulated normative annotation based on SI conventions, adding that the comma is preferred over the full stop.[27]

ISO 80000-1 stipulates that "The decimal sign is either a comma or a point on the line." The standard does not stipulate any preference, observing that usage volition depend on customary usage in the language concerned, but adds a note that as per ISO/IEC Directives all ISO standards should use the signal decimal mark.

Digit grouping [edit]

For ease of reading, numbers with many digits may be divided into groups using a delimiter,[28] such as comma "," or dot ".", half-space (or thin infinite) " ", infinite " ", underbar "_" (every bit in maritime "21_450") or apostrophe «'». In some countries, these "digit grouping separators" are but employed to the left of the decimal separator; in others, they are also used to separate numbers with a long partial function. An important reason for group is that it allows rapid judgement of the number of digits, via subitizing (telling at a glance) rather than counting (contrast, for example, 100000 000 with 100000000 for one hundred million).

The use of spaces every bit separators, not dots or commas (for instance: 20000 and 1000 000 for "twenty chiliad" and "ane meg"), has been official policy of the International Agency of Weights and Measures since 1948 (and reaffirmed in 2003) stating "neither dots nor commas are ever inserted in the spaces between groups",[29] too as by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemical science (IUPAC),[thirty] [31] the American Medical Association'southward widely followed AMA Manual of Style, and the Metrication Board, among others.

The groups created past the delimiters tend to follow the utilize of the local language, which varies. In European languages, large numbers are read in groups of thousands, and the delimiter—which occurs every iii digits when it is used—may be called a "thousands separator". In E Asian cultures, particularly China, Nihon, and Korea, large numbers are read in groups of myriads (x,000s) but the delimiter commonly separates every iii digits.[ citation needed ] The Indian numbering system is somewhat more complex: it groups the rightmost 3 digits together (until the hundreds place) and thereafter groups by sets of ii digits. For instance, ane trillion would thus exist written as x,00,00,00,00,000 or x kharab.[32]

The convention for digit group separators historically varied among countries, merely unremarkably seeking to distinguish the delimiter from the decimal separator. Traditionally, English language-speaking countries employed commas every bit the delimiter – ten,000 – and other European countries employed periods or spaces: ten.000 or 10000 . Because of the confusion that could result in international documents, in recent years the employ of spaces every bit separators has been advocated by the superseded SI/ISO 31-0 standard,[33] as well as by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and the International Wedlock of Pure and Practical Chemistry, which have likewise begun advocating the use of a "thin space" in "groups of iii".[thirty] [31] Within the United States, the American Medical Association's widely followed AMA Manual of Manner as well calls for a thin space.[28] In some online encoding environments (for example, ASCII-simply) a thin infinite is not applied or available, in which case a regular word space or no delimiter are the alternatives.

Data versus mask [edit]

Digit group separators tin occur either as function of the data or as a mask through which the data is displayed. This is an example of the separation of presentation and content, making information technology possible to brandish numbers with spaced digit group in a style that does not insert any whitespace characters into the string of digits in the content. In many calculating contexts, it is preferred to omit digit group separators from the data and instead overlay them as a mask (an input mask or an output mask). Common examples include spreadsheets and databases in which currency values are entered without such marks merely are displayed with them inserted. (Similarly, telephone numbers can take hyphens, spaces or parentheses equally a mask rather than as data.) In web content, such digit grouping tin can be washed with CSS style. Information technology is useful because the number can exist copied and pasted into calculators (including a web browser's omnibox) and parsed by the computer every bit-is (i.e., without the user manually purging the inapplicable characters). For example, Wikipedia content can display numbers this way, equally in the following examples: 149597 870 700 metres is ane astronomical unit of measurement, three.1415926535 89793 23846 is π rounded to 20 decimal places, and 2.7182818284 59045 23536 is e rounded to 20 decimal places.

In some programming languages, information technology is possible to group the digits in the plan'due south source code to make information technology easier to read; come across Integer literal: Digit separators. Ada, C# (from version seven.0[34]), D, Haskell (from GHC version 8.6.i), Java, Kotlin,[35] OCaml, Perl, Python (from version 3.6), PHP (from version vii.4[36]), Reddish, Go (from version 1.13), Rust, Julia, and Swift use the underscore (_) grapheme for this purpose; as such, these languages allow seven hundred million to be entered equally 700_000_000. Stock-still-form Fortran ignores whitespace (in all contexts), and so 700 000 000 is permissible. C++14, Rebol, and Red permit the apply of an apostrophe for digit grouping, so 700'000'000 is permissible. Below is shown an example Kotlin lawmaking using separators to increase readability:

                                    val            exampleNumber            =            12            _004_953            // Twelve 1000000 four thousand nine hundred fifty-three          

Exceptions to digit grouping [edit]

The International Bureau of Weights and Measures states that "when at that place are only four digits before or afterward the decimal marking, it is customary not to apply a space to isolate a single digit".[30] Likewise, some manuals of way state that thousands separators should non be used in normal text for numbers from one,000 to 9,999 inclusive where no decimal partial function is shown (in other words, for four-digit whole numbers), whereas others use thousands separators and others utilize both. For example, APA style stipulates a thousands separator for "most figures of one,000 or more than" except for page numbers, binary digits, temperatures, etc.

There are ever "common-sense" country-specific exceptions to digit group, such as year numbers, postal codes, and ID numbers of predefined nongrouped format, which style guides usually indicate out.

In not-base of operations-10 numbering systems [edit]

In binary (base of operations-2), a total space can be used betwixt groups of four digits, corresponding to a nibble, or equivalently to a hexadecimal digit. For integer numbers, dots are used likewise to separate groups of four $.25.[37] Alternatively, binary digits may be grouped by threes, respective to an octal digit. Similarly, in hexadecimal (base of operations-16), total spaces are usually used to group digits into twos, making each group represent to a byte.[38] Additionally, groups of eight bytes are often separated by a hyphen.[38]

Influence of calculators and computers [edit]

In countries with a decimal comma, the decimal point is also common as the "international" annotation[ commendation needed ] because of the influence of devices, such equally electronic calculators, which use the decimal bespeak. Most figurer operating systems allow selection of the decimal separator; programs that have been carefully internationalized volition follow this, but some programs ignore it and a few may fifty-fifty fail to operate if the setting has been changed.

Computer interfaces may be set to the Unicode international "Common locale" using "LC_NUMERIC=C" as defined at Details of the current (2020) definitions may be found here.

Usage worldwide [edit]

Hindu–Standard arabic numerals [edit]

Countries using decimal comma [edit]

Countries where a comma "," is used as decimal separator include:

  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria[a]
  • Cameroon
  • Canada (when using French)
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Republic of cuba
  • Republic of cyprus
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • E Timor
  • Ecuador
  • Estonia
  • Faroes
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Georgia
  • Hellenic republic
  • Greenland
  • Hungary
  • Republic of iceland
  • Republic of indonesia
  • Italy
  • Republic of kazakhstan
  • Kosovo
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lithuania
  • Grand duchy of luxembourg (uses both marks officially)
  • Macau (in Portuguese text)
  • Islamic republic of mauritania
  • Moldova
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia (uses both marks)[39]
  • Kingdom of the netherlands
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Paraguay
  • Republic of peru[40]
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Somalia
  • S Africa[41] [42]
  • Spain[b]
  • Suriname
  • Sweden[b]
  • Switzerland [c]
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • Ukraine
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Zimbabwe

Countries using decimal betoken [edit]

Countries where a dot "." is used as decimal separator include:

  • Australia
  • People's republic of bangladesh
  • Botswana
  • British Due west Indies
  • Kingdom of cambodia
  • Canada (when using English)
  • Communist china
  • Dominican Republic
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Republic of honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Republic of india
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Jordan
  • Republic of kenya
  • Korea, North
  • Korea, South
  • Libya
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg (uses both marks officially)
  • Macau (in Chinese and English text)
  • Malaysia
  • Republic of the maldives
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia (uses both marks)
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Nigeria
  • Islamic republic of pakistan
  • Panama
  • Peru (currency numbers simply)
  • Philippines
  • Qatar
  • Kingdom of saudi arabia
  • Singapore
  • Somalia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Switzerland[c]
  • Syria
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand[b]
  • Uganda
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States (including insular areas)
  1. ^ The comma as a decimal separator is the national literary convention, but many places apply the dot every bit decimal separator due to prevalence of imported tech that internally uses dot as the decimal separator (because the tech normally utilizes the dot decimal separator convention of the state where information technology was made, which is more often than not U.s.-&-ASCII-oriented, or is made in China where the dot is utilized as a decimal separator). To sum up, the comma is the conventional decimal separator in Bulgaria, but both the comma and the dot are in de facto usage.
  2. ^ a b c According to several software developers.[45] [46]
  3. ^ a b The decimal point is used in some cantons (for case the Canton of St. Gallen[43]) and is used in Information technology and for currency. The decimal comma is used for federal publications[44] and some cantons.

Other numeral systems [edit]

Unicode defines a decimal separator key symbol (⎖ in hex U+2396, decimal 9110) which looks similar to the apostrophe. This symbol is from ISO/IEC 9995 and is intended for use on a keyboard to bespeak a key that performs decimal separation.

In the Arab earth, where Eastern Arabic numerals are used for writing numbers, a dissimilar character is used to separate the integer and partial parts of numbers. It is referred to equally an Arabic decimal separator (U+066B, rendered: ٫‎) in Unicode. An Arabic thousands separator (U+066C, rendered: ٬‎) also exists. Case: ۹٬۹۹۹٫۹۹‎ (9,999.99)

In Persian, the decimal separator is chosen momayyez. The Unicode Consortium'southward investigation has concluded that "computer programs should render U+066B as a shortened, lowered, and possibly more slanted slash (٫); this should be distinguishable from the slash at the first sight." To split up sequences of iii digits, an Arabic thousands separator (rendered as: ٬), a Latin comma, or a blank infinite may be used; however this is not a standard.[47] [48] [49] Example: ۹٬۹۹۹٫۹۹ (nine,999.99)

In English Braille, the decimal point, , is distinct from both the comma, , and the full stop, .

Examples of apply [edit]

The following examples show the decimal separator and the thousands separator in various countries that utilize the Arabic numeral arrangement.

Style Countries and regions
1,234,567.89 Australia,[50] [51] Kingdom of cambodia, Canada (English-speaking; unofficial), Communist china, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, State of israel, Nihon, Korea, Macau (in Chinese and English text), Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Namibia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Republic of peru (currency numbers), Philippines, Singapore, South Africa (English-speaking; unofficial), Taiwan, Thailand, Great britain and other Democracy states (except Mozambique), United States.
1234 567.89 SI fashion (English version), Canada (English-speaking; official), China, Estonia (currency numbers), Hong Kong (in education), Namibia, South Africa (English-speaking: official), Sri Lanka, Switzerland (officially encouraged for currency numbers only[52]), U.k. (in instruction), United States (in teaching).
1234 567,89 SI style (French version), Albania, Belgium (French), Republic of bulgaria, Canada (French-speaking), Costa Rica,[53] Croatia[54] Czech republic, Republic of estonia, Finland, French republic, Hungary, Italia (in education), Kosovo, Latin Europe, Latvia, Lithuania, Macau (in Portuguese text), Mozambique, Kingdom of norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russian federation, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa (in Afrikaans text), Kingdom of spain (official utilize since 2010, according to the RAE), Sweden, Switzerland (officially encouraged, except currency numbers[52]), Ukraine, Vietnam (in education).
1,234,567·89 Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, United kingdom (older, typically handwritten; in education)
1,234.567,89 Croatia (alternative to spaces; commas and periods alternate with powers of 1000)[54]
1.234.567,89 Argentina, Austria, Belgium (Dutch), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Croatia (informal), Denmark, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia (breezy), Spain (used until 2010, inadvisable use according to the RAE),[55] [56] Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam.
12,34,567.89 People's republic of bangladesh, Bharat, Nepal, Pakistan (encounter Indian Numbering System).
1234 567.89 Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan (see Indian Numbering Organization).
i'234'567.89 Switzerland (calculating), Liechtenstein.
1'234'567,89 Switzerland (handwriting), Italy (handwriting).
1.234.567'89 Spain (handwriting, used until 1980s, inadvisable utilize co-ordinate to the RAE).
123,4567.89 Mainland Cathay (based on powers of 10 000—see Chinese numerals[ citation needed ]).
1234567.89 Mainland China (based on powers of x 000—see Chinese numerals[ citation needed ]).
  • In Albania, Belgium (French), Estonia, Finland,[57] France, Republic of hungary, Poland, Slovakia and much of Latin Europe too as French Canada: 1234 567,89 (In Spain, in handwriting information technology is also common to use an upper comma: 1.234.567'89)[ citation needed ]
  • In Kingdom of belgium (Dutch), Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Republic of indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden and much of Europe: ane234 567,89 or 1.234.567,89. In handwriting, i˙234˙567,89 is also seen, just never in Belgium, Brazil, Kingdom of denmark, Estonia, Federal republic of germany, holland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia or Sweden. In Italy, a straight apostrophe is also used in handwriting: 1'234'567,89. In holland and Dutch-speaking Belgium, the points thousands separator is used, and is preferred for currency amounts, just the space is recommended by some fashion guides, mostly in technical writing.[58]
  • In Republic of estonia, currency numbers oftentimes use a dot "." as the decimal separator, and a space as a thousands separator. This is most visible on shopping receipts and in documents that also apply other numbers with decimals, such every bit measurements. This do is used to better distinguish between prices and other values with decimals. An older convention uses dots to carve up thousands (with commas for decimals) — this older practice makes it easier to avert word breaks with larger numbers.
  • Historically, in Frg and Austria, thousands separators were occasionally denoted by alternating uses of comma and point, e.k. 1.234,567.890,12[59] [60] for "eine Milliarde 234 Millionen ...", but this is never seen in modernistic days and requires explanation to a contemporary German reader.
  • Switzerland: There are two cases: An apostrophe every bit a thousands separator forth with a dot "." as the decimal separator are used for currency values (for example: 1'234'567.89). For other values, the SI-style i234 567,89 is used with a comma "," as the decimal separator. The apostrophe is also the most mutual variety for non-currency values: 1'234'567,89 — though this usage is officially discouraged.
  • In Republic of ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea (both), Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and the Us: 1,234,567.89 or 1,234,567·89; the latter is generally constitute only in older, and especially handwritten documents.
  • English Canada: There are ii cases: The preferred method for currency values is $10,000.00 —while for numeric values, it is 1234 567.89 ; yet, commas are also sometimes used, although no longer taught in school or used in official publications.[ citation needed ]
  • SI style: ane234 567.89 or i234 567,89 (in their own publications, the dot "." is used in the English language version, and the comma "," in the official French version).
  • In China, comma and space are used to mark digit groups, because dot is used as decimal separator. In that location is no universal convention on digit group, so both thousands grouping and no digit grouping can be found. Nippon and Taiwan are similar; although when grouping past myriads, kanji or characters are frequently used equally separators: 1億2345万6789 / 1億2345萬6789. Commas are used when grouping by thousands.
  • In India, due to a numeral arrangement using lakhs (lacs) (1,23,456 equal to 123,456) and crores (i,23,45,678 equal to 12,345,678), a comma is used at levels of grand, lakh, and crore. For example, 10 million (ane crore) would exist written every bit 1,00,00,000. In Pakistan, at that place is a greater tendency to employ the standard western organization, while using the Indian numbering system when conducting concern in Urdu.
Indian Value Value Equivalent Western Note
One 1 Ane
Ten 10 Ten
Hundred 100 Hundred
Thousand 1,000 Thousand
Lakh 1,00,000 One Hundred Chiliad
Crore i,00,00,000 Ten Million
Arab (not normally used) one,00,00,00,000 One Billion
Kharab (not normally used) 1,00,00,00,00,000 One Hundred Billion
Lakh Crore ten,00,00,00,00,000 One Trillion

Unicode characters [edit]

Used with Western Arabic numerals (0123456789):

  • U+0020 Space
  • U+0027 ' APOSTROPHE (')
  • U+002C , COMMA (,)
  • U+002E . FULL STOP (.) - Full stop punctuation mark.
  • U+00B7 · MIDDLE DOT (·, ·, ·)
  • U+2009 THIN Infinite ( ,  )
  • U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK Space
  • U+02D9 ˙ DOT To a higher place (˙, ˙)

Used with Eastern Arabic numerals (٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩):


Used with keyboards:

  • U+2396 DECIMAL SEPARATOR KEY SYMBOL (resembles an apostrophe)

See as well [edit]

  • Algorism
  • Cifrão
  • Decimal floating point
  • Decimal place
  • Decimal representation
  • Decimal department numbering
  • Dot-decimal annotation
  • International System of Units
  • ISO 2145
  • RKM code
  • Version numbering

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Decimal indicate definition and pregnant | Collins English Dictionary". world wide . Retrieved 2018-07-05 .
  2. ^ a b Weisstein, Eric Westward. "Decimal Signal". . Retrieved 2020-08-22 .
  3. ^ "decimal point Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary". . Retrieved 2018-07-05 .
  4. ^ "How to Alter Excel's Decimal Separators from Periods to Commas". Retrieved 2018-07-05 .
  5. ^ "Decimal Separators: Points or commas? - Elementary Math". Simple Math. 2018-01-19. Retrieved 2018-07-05 .
  6. ^ "Definition of Decimal Indicate". . Retrieved 2020-08-22 .
  7. ^ "Mythematics: a decimal indicate". Grammarphobia. 2012-02-17. Retrieved 2018-07-05 .
  8. ^ "separatrix, north.", Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Printing
  9. ^ Berggren, J. Lennart (2007). "Mathematics in Medieval Islam". In Katz, Victor J. (ed.). The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Red china, Republic of india, and Islam: A Sourcebook. Princeton Academy Printing. p. 530. ISBN978-0-691-11485-9.
  10. ^ Reimer, Fifty., and Reimer, W. Mathematicians Are People, Too: Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians, Vol. 2. 1995. pp. 22-22. Parsippany, NJ: Pearson ducation, Inc. as Dale Seymor Publications. ISBN 0-86651-823-1.
  11. ^ Khwarizmi, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa al-, Oxford Islamic Studies Online
  12. ^ Devlin, Keith (2011). The Human of Numbers: Fibonacci's Arithmetics Revolution . New York: Walker & Visitor. pp. 44–45. ISBN9780802779083.
  13. ^ a b Enciclopedia Universal Santillana, 1996 by SANTILLANA S.A., Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 84-294-5129-three. Comma, def.ii: "coma: MAT. Signo utilizado en los números no enteros para separar la parte entera de la parte decimal o fraccionaria; p.ej., two,123."
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    -h 1234 1234 #4660 \011064 %0001.0010.0011.0100
  38. ^ a b Every bit an case, the DR-DOS DEBUG D command dumps the memory byte-wise in hexadecimal notation with bytes separated by spaces and groups of eight bytes separated by hyphens:
                                            -d                    0                    1234                    :                    0000                    57                    69                    6B                    69                    70                    65                    64                    69                    -                    61                    twenty                    68                    65                    6C                    lxx                    73                    21                    Wikipedia helps!                  
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  55. ^ Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, when writing numbers more than four figures, these will be grouped into threes, starting from the right, and separating the groups by whitespace. (Exceptions: Never written with periods, commas or white separation numbers that refer to years, pages, verses, urban roads, postal codes, legal manufactures, decrees or laws.)
  56. ^ Ortografía de la lengua española, For the purpose of promoting a process tending towards unification, the employ of the point every bit decimal separator is recommended.
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How Many Countries Don't Use The Metric System,


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